Light and sensations in a drawing classroom

instalación de iluminación en una facultad de bellas artes

This is a statue drawing classroom, in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UPV, to be exact.

It is an unusual place that does not pass the cotton test, because the carbon released by the charcoal reaches and accumulates in all the nooks and crannies of the premises, reducing the useful life of any electronic element, including the current LED lights, so these must have your electronic components safe from these types of problems.


The lighting that is sought in a place like this must be as varied as possible, because the teacher will want his students to understand that light is a fundamental part of artistic expression, and that depending on how the lighting affects the marble, it will transmit to us. very different things.

Diffuse and multidirectional lighting that flattens a sculpture has nothing to do with a generous horizontal source that simulates a window and induces contrasts, or with low-intensity overhead light that imbues a gloomy appearance.

Students draw with various lighting conditions, both on their models and on their easels, and this requires multi-directional and adjustable lighting.

We all ended up with black hands from touching the surfaces of the premises, and while the electricians were finalizing details, we took the photographs that you can see in this entry.

Illuminating museums and exhibitions is wonderful, but it is no less illuminating where art is created, and where artists are trained.

What luminaires do we use?

Zoom luminaires

With an optical system that allows the opening angle to be varied between 20 and 60 degrees. No optical aberrations and no hard contours.

PRO Luminaires

With selectable optical apertures, and the possibility of incorporating accessories for museum lighting: fins, honeycomb, contours…

We can help you?

If you have an artistic classroom and want to get the most out of it through light